​​​​​​​​​Opening Hours

​​​Mon - Weds  9.00 to 5.00
Thurs 9.00 - 12.00 Fri  Workshop Shut

Please Email/Call from 12pm Thurs
If you wish to visit outside these hours please call.​

0117 957 6241    0117 956 0348


Trade Suppliers for the

Work, Business, Education & Care Sectors​


​​​Mon - Weds  9.00 to 5.00

Thurs 9.00 - 1.00
Fri  Workshop Shut -
Please Email/Call

We are often here earlier and later so please call if you wish to visit.

Ballyhoo Clothing Co Ltd

Unit 25 Station Road Workshops Station Road Kingswood Bristol BS15 4PJ



0117 957 6241     0117 956 0348

E-mail:  client@ballyhooclothing.co.uk

​Contact Details
Opening Times